Patterning your life after the teachings of Jesus is the pathway to happiness but no one ever said it is easy. It is easy to understand, but hard to live out. This is why the content of the Sermon on the Mount and therefore this website is best taken in small portions each day so the follower of Jesus can think and pray about what Jesus is saying and then apply his teaching to their life day by day, hour by hour, decision by decision. The articles are short so a person can easily speed-read through them or find a reference on a particular topic, but to really get the most out of the Sermon on the Mount and these articles, read one devotional article each day, think and pray about it for a day or even several days, and then move on to the next one. Listed below are the articles in a 40 Day Devotional format.
Day 1 -- The Key to Understanding the Sermon on the Mount
Day 2 -- Setting the Scene
Day 3 -- The Blessings (The Beatitudes)
Day 4 -- Persecuted Because of Righteousness
Day 5 -- Persecuted Because You Belong to Jesus
Day 6 -- You are the Salt of the Earth
Day 7 -- You are the Light of the World
Day 8 -- Surpassing Righteousness
Day 9 -- Be a Peacemaker
Day 10 -- Murder in Your Heart
Day 11 -- Be Reconciled
Day 12 -- Settle Quickly
Day 13 -- Blessed are the Pure in Heart
Day 14 -- Keeping Your Thought Life Pure
Day 15 -- Keeping Your Marriage Pure
Day 16 -- Keeping Your Word Pure
Day 17 -- Seeing God
Day 18 -- The Blessing of Being Merciful
Day 19 -- Be More Merciful Than the Old Testament Law
Day 20 -- Be More Merciful Than Man's Law
Day 21 -- Be Merciful With Your Possessions
Day 22 -- Be Merciful to All, Even to Your Enemies
Day 23 -- Hungering for Righteousness
Day 24 -- Do Righteous Acts for the Father
Day 25 -- Righteous Act #1 -- Giving
Day 26 -- Righteous Act #2 -- Praying
Day 27 -- The Lord's Prayer
Day 28 -- Forgive or You Will Not Be Forgiven
Day 29 -- Righteous Act #3 -- Fasting
Day 30 -- Meekness Defined
Day 31 -- Your Treasure
Day 32 -- Your Worldview
Day 33 -- Who Do You Serve?
Day 34 -- No Worries
Day 35 -- Mourning Defined
Day 36 -- Mourning Instead of Judging
Day 37 -- Blessed Are the Poor
Day 38 -- God Gives Good Gifts
Day 39 -- Bearing Fruit
Day 40 -- Building Your House on the Rock
Please read the articles above one at a time, with an open Bible, open heart, and open mind. Then pray and take action as the Lord leads. And if you wouldn't mind leaving your thoughts, questions, and testimonies on the Comments page it would be much appreciated. By doing so you can be a blessing to others and help me make this site better. Thanks and God bless!
Pastor Randy
Day 2 -- Setting the Scene
Day 3 -- The Blessings (The Beatitudes)
Day 4 -- Persecuted Because of Righteousness
Day 5 -- Persecuted Because You Belong to Jesus
Day 6 -- You are the Salt of the Earth
Day 7 -- You are the Light of the World
Day 8 -- Surpassing Righteousness
Day 9 -- Be a Peacemaker
Day 10 -- Murder in Your Heart
Day 11 -- Be Reconciled
Day 12 -- Settle Quickly
Day 13 -- Blessed are the Pure in Heart
Day 14 -- Keeping Your Thought Life Pure
Day 15 -- Keeping Your Marriage Pure
Day 16 -- Keeping Your Word Pure
Day 17 -- Seeing God
Day 18 -- The Blessing of Being Merciful
Day 19 -- Be More Merciful Than the Old Testament Law
Day 20 -- Be More Merciful Than Man's Law
Day 21 -- Be Merciful With Your Possessions
Day 22 -- Be Merciful to All, Even to Your Enemies
Day 23 -- Hungering for Righteousness
Day 24 -- Do Righteous Acts for the Father
Day 25 -- Righteous Act #1 -- Giving
Day 26 -- Righteous Act #2 -- Praying
Day 27 -- The Lord's Prayer
Day 28 -- Forgive or You Will Not Be Forgiven
Day 29 -- Righteous Act #3 -- Fasting
Day 30 -- Meekness Defined
Day 31 -- Your Treasure
Day 32 -- Your Worldview
Day 33 -- Who Do You Serve?
Day 34 -- No Worries
Day 35 -- Mourning Defined
Day 36 -- Mourning Instead of Judging
Day 37 -- Blessed Are the Poor
Day 38 -- God Gives Good Gifts
Day 39 -- Bearing Fruit
Day 40 -- Building Your House on the Rock
Please read the articles above one at a time, with an open Bible, open heart, and open mind. Then pray and take action as the Lord leads. And if you wouldn't mind leaving your thoughts, questions, and testimonies on the Comments page it would be much appreciated. By doing so you can be a blessing to others and help me make this site better. Thanks and God bless!
Pastor Randy